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Leo Store - SBG Systems - Ellipse Micro Series 1

Ellipse Micro Series

Smallest Industrial-Grade INS/GNSS with 0.1° Roll/Pitch Accuracy


SBG Systems Ellipse Micro Series is the smallest industrial-grade Inertial Navigation System (INS) with GNSS capabilities, offering 0.1° roll/pitch accuracy in a compact 10-gram design. Ideal for space-constrained applications, it combines robust MEMS technology with GNSS fusion for precise positioning, even in challenging environments like urban canyons and tunnels. Calibrated for operation between -40°C and +85°C and resistant to high shock levels, Ellipse Micro Series is perfect for land, marine, and aerial applications requiring reliable and accurate navigation data​.

  •  IMU Sensors:

      Accelerometers Gyroscopes Magnetometers
    Range: ± 16 g ± 450 °/s ± 50 Gauss
    Gain Stability: 1000 ppm 500 ppm < 0.5 %
    Non-Linearity: 1500 ppm 50 ppm < 0.1 % FS
    Bias Stability: ± 5 mg ± 0.2 °/s ± 1 mGauss
    Random Walk / Noise Density: 57 μg/√Hz 0.15 °/√hr 3 mGauss
    Bias in-run
    14 μg 7 °/h 1.5 mGauss
    VRE: 50 μg/g² RMS 1 °/h/g² RMS -
    Alignment Error: < 0.05 ° < 0.05 ° < 0.1 °
    Bandwidth: 390 Hz 133 Hz 22 Hz


     AHRS Accuracy:

    Roll & Pitch: 0.1 °
    Heading: 0.8 ° Magnetic Heading
    Heave: 5 cm


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